


Each ml Contains : Thiamine Hydrochloride I.P. : 33.3 mg, Riboflavine 5, Phosphate Sodium I.P. : 1.66 mg, Pyridoxine Hdrochloride I.P. : 3.3 mg, Cyanpcpbalamin I.P. : 33.3 mcg, Niancinamide I.P. : 33.3 mcg, D-Panthenol I.P. : 1.6 mg, Benzyl Alcohol I.P. (as preservative) : 0.90% V/V, Excipients : q.s

Product Details


Each ml Contains : Thiamine Hydrochloride I.P. : 33.3 mg, Riboflavine 5, Phosphate Sodium I.P. : 1.66 mg, Pyridoxine Hdrochloride I.P. : 3.3 mg, Cyanpcpbalamin I.P. : 33.3 mcg, Niancinamide I.P. : 33.3 mcg, D-Panthenol I.P. : 1.6 mg, Benzyl Alcohol I.P. (as preservative) : 0.90% V/V, Excipients : q.s

SpeciesCow, Buffalo, Horse, Camel, Sheep & Goat
  • Vit. B complex involved in many essential biochemical reactions
  • Thiamine boosts energy availability to the brain, which prevents brain degeneration
  • Pyridoxin – Improves immune function, energy metabolism and brain function
  • Vit.B12 acts as a co-enzyme and plays a primary role in the synthesis of proteins and the production of red blood cells
  • Niaciamide – Anti-inflammatory properties ,Helps in energy metabolism
  • Riboflamin – maintain healthy hair, skin, and hooves
  • D-Panthenol – stimulate gut motility, tone up the gut muscle would create contractions to push the gas out of the abomasum
Presentation30 ml, Also available in 100 ml
Dosage & Administration

As prescribed by Veterinarian